Glorious October sunset

Published 10:54 pm Tuesday, October 21, 2008

You with downward glance, consumed with troubles of the day;

Alone on barren island, rescue unimaginable;

Lift up thy head and open thy eyes!

Look westward to the evening October skies!

Do not let such glory go tragically unnoticed

You whose vision captures such manifest beauty.

See the Painter’s hand as he silhouettes the clouds

Watch the cumulus dance before their master, the sun.

See the play unfold as the actors take the stage

Arrayed in shining excellence, robed in kingly garb

The show last but a moment, transfixed amongst the heavens

Until the curtain closes, giving no sign of encore,

But giving way to darkness, its less enchanting brother.

But do not fear, all is not lost;

In but few short hours, a spectacle with fresh cast begins anew.

Arise! I say — do not despair!

Do not let such glory pass unaware!