Reader: Governor should sign SPSA bill
Published 9:20 am Wednesday, March 25, 2009
To the Editor:
Your editorial on the SPSA directors bill before the governor was right on target (“New SPSA leadership?” March 15). After 30 years of well-intended politicans serving as directors, SPSA is a financial mess and that is a part of the reason for this current bill before the governor.
It is very disappointing that our Isle of Wight Board of Supervisors and the Franklin City Council have asked the governor to veto this bill so that the same old, unsuccessful director practice can continue.
SPSA is currently in debt $240 million and is struggling to operate month to month. Moreover, all of this debt is due by the year 2018, I believe.
The bill gives us the opportunity for new private citizen directors who must have certain qualifications, are recommended by local officials and appointed and accountable to the governor. It should give us new, experienced leadership to right this SPSA sinking ship or sell it in an orderly manner to the private sector where it rightfully may belong.
I encourage everyone to contact the governor’s office and request that the governor please sign this bill, not veto it.