Write to senators about bill
Published 8:05 am Friday, July 31, 2009
To the Editor:
I e-mailed my two senators concerning their possible support of the omnibus National Health Care Bill and the Cap and Trade Bill, which will be the costliest hidden tax increase in the history of this nation for every person, poor or wealthy.
If you use any item that consumes energy in any form for its growth, manufacture, transportation or consumption, you will see dramatic increases in cost since a carbon tax will be included in its cost at every level. You cannot escape this, no matter what the product or service may be, whether it is the beauty shop, the grocery store, the auto dealership or anything that uses energy of any type.
If you like the idea of socialized medicine, I would suggest that you need to look at those countries who have tried it. You will see what a disaster it is for most every citizen except those who make the laws and excuse themselves from the program. This omnibus bill is a disaster waiting to be passed.
In my correspondence to my senators, I made it clear that if either of them voted for either of these bills, I would encourage all of my friends and acquaintances, plus everyone who opposes these bills to absolutely refuse to vote for them when they come up for reelection.
If you agree, please call Sen. Mark Warner at (757) 441-3079 or (202) 224-2023 and Sen. Jim Webb at (757) 518-1674 or (202) 225-8351 and voice your opposition.
Should you like to write, you may use any part of my letter or all of it to let them know how you feel. Don’t be bashful.
The addresses are:
Sen. Mark Warner, DB40C Dirksen Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510 and Sen. Jim Webb, 144 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510.
Robert T. Edwards