Isle of Wight County Fair chairman grateful for help

Published 8:01 am Wednesday, September 22, 2010

To the Editor:

The 2010 Isle of Wight County Fair was the best fair ever with 29,300 in attendance. The success of the fair was the result of the hard work and support of a lot of people and cooperation of wonderful fair weather.

The fair could not have happened without a dedicated Fair Committee, both volunteers and county staff that continue to maintain the vision of the fairgrounds’ namesake, Joel Bradshaw.

Our goal is simple. We simply want the finest old-fashioned fair in Virginia.

My sincere thanks are also extended to the many volunteers, the county’s Parks and Recreation staff and ground crews; the county’s General Services, Public Works and administrative personnel and the staff of the Smithfield Isle of Wight Tourism Office, who work so hard to make our fair patrons’ experience positive; the Sheriff’s Department, State Police, Isle of Wight, Smithfield and Windsor fire and rescue personnel; our crew of groundskeepers; and parking attendants who also provide first class service to our fair attendees.

Special thanks for the continued support of the Board of Supervisors, our sponsors, local businesses, citizens and friends of Isle of Wight County.

The success of the 2010 Isle of Wight County Fair could not have happened without you!

David Sawyer
Isle of Wight County
Fair Committee