Family to Family class to begin

Published 7:49 am Friday, September 24, 2010

To the Editor:

Monday, Oct. 11, is the first night of a new Family to Family Class.

This is a 12-week course that is free to the well family members of folks who have mental illnesses. It is sponsored by National Alliance of Mentally Ill Western Tidewater and is taught by volunteers who have also taken the class and gone for training to lead the class.

The class meets weekly and will be held at High Street United Methodist Church in Franklin from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Class size is limited and pre-registration is required.

You may call me at 757-562-4977, Carol Evans at 757-562-2988 or Vivian Stevens-Lyon at 757-440-7088 to pre-register or get more details.

This is a class that is designed to help you learn about the mental illness that your loved one is affected by. It will help you learn more about communication with your loved one.

It will help you learn about the medicines used in treating the illness. It will help you understand more about what your loved one is dealing with on a day-to-day basis as well as help you learn to cope.

It will help you learn how important it is to communicate with your loved one’s doctor. It has been described as a lifesaver class for the well family member as well as the person who has a mental illness.

If you know of anyone who might be interested, please have them call one of the above folks.

Rebecca Butler