Mama Cotton’s Kitchen

Published 9:39 am Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Name of person featured: Cindy Cotton

Name of Business: Mama Cotton’s Kitchen

Street address: 1104 N. High St., Franklin

Phone number: 757-617-9743

Operating hours: Open all the time

E-mail address:

Nature of business: Homemade pound cakes

Principle owner/manager: Cindy Cotton

Year founded: 2010

Prior locations: None

Number of employees: One

How’s business? Thanksgiving was good, and I am hoping for a good Christmas season. I have a small loaf for $5 that I feel is the perfect gift for friends, co-workers, neighbors, or anyone you are looking to give a “little something” to for Christmas.

One thing you wish everyone knew about your business: You can call me anytime for a cake for any occasion.

Something you offer that a customer won’t find elsewhere: Free delivery within a 10-mile radius of Franklin.

Advice to aspiring or new entrepreneurs: Give it a try and keep trying to find ways to market your product.

Your first job: Snack bar at Southampton Memorial Hospital

Your role model (in business or in life generally): My daughter Ashley. She has grown up to be an awesome person with good values and a caring heart.

The key to a successful business is: Good product. I make everything with fresh ingredients such as real butter and fresh eggs.

What do you like about Franklin? The helpful spirit of others. I could not have done this without Grayson and Emma’s and The Peanut Patch giving me the chance to sell my product in their stores and friends supporting me.