Morris’ program praised

Published 9:56 am Saturday, March 10, 2012

Freshman Del. Rick Morris, R-Carrollton, has had an active 2½ months in Richmond, from introducing legislation to hosting a program for high school students.

Morris was the only one among Virginia’s lawmakers from the House to host the Delegate for a Day program. Students from more than 15 schools in his 64th District, which includes parts of Isle of Wight, Prince George, Southampton, Surry and Sussex counties and parts of Franklin and Suffolk, went to Richmond. They got a front-row seat to see how laws were made during this legislative session, which ends Saturday.

The program gave middle and high school students from public and private schools the opportunity to become involved in the legislative process.

One of those students was Windsor High School senior Spencer Snyder, who’s interested in a career in politics.

What an opportunity for Snyder and these other young folks.

Some of us here at The Tidewater News had similar opportunities with newspapers while in high school and college. It’s good to explore your career interest and there’s no better way than to do some correspondence work or an internship with a newspaper.

So, thanks goes to Morris for allowing these young people to experience a bit of what they can expect in the political arena.