Smith Jewelers

Published 9:58 am Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Name of business: Smith Jewelers

Street address: 105 E. Second Ave., Franklin

Phone number of business: 562-3175

Operating hours: 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday; 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday

E-mail address:

Nature of Business: Retail jeweler, repair outlet and custom jewelry design boutique

Owner: W.J. “Billy” Smith III, president/chief executive officer

Year founded: 1958

Number of employees: Seven

How’s business: Great and getting better every day. A tough last three years, but since the fall it’s been much better.

One thing you wish everyone knew about your business: I have the most wonderful staff, who genuinely cares.

Something you offer that a customer won’t find elsewhere: I have a secret weapon and her name is “G” Cargile, my manager and custom design specialist. She genuinely cares, she works hard and she is also one of the most talented, creative and intuitive people I have ever had on my staff.

Advice to young entrepreneurs: Take calculated risks. Think things through and believe in yourself.

Your first job: Sweeping the floor for my dad after school when I was little.
Your role model (in business or in life generally) and why: In business I’d have to say Mitch Sand-lin. He is a true self-made man and one who’s helped others and given back to this community.

The key to a successful business is: Believing in yourself. Surround yourself with positive people, and listen and mingle with those more successful than you and learn from them. It rubs off on you, too.