Hope Blythe gets answers

Published 1:32 pm Saturday, August 25, 2012

We can only hope that Franklin Councilman Don Blythe can get answers for this summer’s absence of Superintendent Dr. Michelle Belle.

The matter is among issues Blythe hopes to discuss when City Council and the School Board meet together at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 28, in City Hall.

All The Tidewater News could find out after numerous attempts about Belle’s more than two-month absence is that it was due to a doctor’s orders.

Anytime we questioned the administration or school board, neither would comment, claiming it was personnel and they didn’t need to comment. Repeated phone calls were made to Belle, all of which went unreturned.

The only time her absence was acknowledged was during a July School Board meeting when Associate Director of Instruction Beverly Rabil was designated to act on Belle’s behalf during her absence.

We understand Belle has since returned to work.

Blythe’s not afraid to ask questions in hopes of getting an answers. When the school district’s top-ranking official is absent for an extended time, the public deserves to know why. After all, our taxes pay her $98,000 annual salary.

Keep us posted, Don.