IOW school board member supports Forbes

Published 9:25 am Friday, October 19, 2012

To the Editor:

The Fourth District and our country need Randy Forbes in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Integrity, honor and courage are Randy’s hallmark traits. He even votes against his own party as necessary, which is more than can be said about any number of his fellow congressional brothers and sisters.

Randy Forbes can be depended upon to put our country first while keeping us — in his district — in mind as he casts important votes.

Obamacare is a good example. Medicare monthly premiums will increase from $96 today to $127 in 2013 to $247 in 2014 and $1800-plus to every Social Security recipient.

Fat political cats like Pelosi and her Senate leader-partner, Harry Reid, won’t suffer like millions of us senior citizens because they have fat healthcare packages for life.

Our man in Congress will continue to fight to establish laws fair to all of us. He’ll promote and vote for policies that help create a positive business climate that ensures jobs are created for Americans.

He’ll promote energy resource development critical to helping our country meet the growing demand for electricity that if not corrected as pushed by Obama will lead to power shortages by 2020.

Too, he’ll help reign in the Environmental Protection Agency, which has used agency rules to minimize oil exploration on public lands causing the price of a gallon of gas to go from national average of $1.85 in 2008 to $3.81 in 2012.

Randy will help ensure along with Mitt Romney when he becomes President that this “fuel-price infection” does not spread eastward. Leaders lead. Randy Forbes is a leader us Virginians in the Fourth District can be proud of.

Vote for Forbes on Nov. 6

Herb De Groft
Isle of Wight County School Board Member