Support needed for signal
Published 10:57 am Wednesday, July 10, 2013
When businesses and residents are invited to come to a particular city, county or town, it’s up to the host to ensure that working and living conditions are attractive enough not just to visit, but also stay.
Last year, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters found Isle of Wight County worthy enough to set up an expansion at the industrial park in the town of Windsor’s vicinity. How right they were to settle there. Naturally, everyone worked together to make conditions suitable for the company. But there’s one issue that the hosts could not immediately address, and that was traffic safety.
Specifically, there’s no traffic signal at the intersection of Windsor Boulevard (Route 46) and Old Mill Road (Route 607). GMCR is concerned about the safety of its employees and truck traffic coming in and out of the site. Anyone who’s ever driven on Route 460 in that area knows that it’s a potential hazard as vehicles zoom to and fro.
The IOW Board of Supervisors share that fear and has written a resolution asking the Virginia Department of Transportation to install a signal. The Windsor Town Council, at its regular meeting Tuesday night, unanimously decided to support this cause.
A study done to support GMCR’s need shows so far that the company’s 156 employees are not enough to justify a signal light. However, should the number get up to 400 employees, that’s when discussion could begin. Given GMCR’s reputation, we’re confident the company will reach that number of employees within about six months. Then serious discussion can begin on the matter.
Meanwhile, we urge both the supervisors and council members to keep the pressure on for the safety light. Everyone who uses those roads will ultimately benefit.