Baby white Bengal Tiger cub arrives at Bear Path Acres

Published 9:17 am Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Bear Path Acres is home to a rare white Bengal Tiger. At full size, this as of yet unnamed cat will weigh in at 450 pounds and needs a suitable habitat to go along with it, so the center is seeking $15,000 to build an environment for her. -- SUBMITTED

Bear Path Acres is home to a rare white Bengal Tiger. At full size, this as of yet unnamed cat will weigh in at 450 pounds and needs a suitable habitat to go along with it, so the center is seeking $15,000 to build an environment for her. — SUBMITTED

What is more rare than a Bengal Tiger? A beautiful four-month-old baby white Bengal Tiger cub.

The mission of Bear Path Acres is to create awareness, values and understanding of animals and their environment through education of the public of the importance of animals and the role they play in our everyday life.

Bear Path Acres is a Federal- and Virginia-licensed zoo, open daily to the public so that they may appreciate, care for and understand our wildlife, farm and exotic animals.

You may already know that the Bengal Tiger is in dire straits worldwide. It is native to India, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh. The global population in the wild is estimated between 3,000 and 4,000, down from 100,000 at the turn of the 20th century. The Bear Path Acres staff is excited to be able to do its small part in the conservation of this species.

Your help is needed to build this “little” lady a home she can grow into, and grow she will. Though she weighs in at a mere 45 pounds today, she will mature into a 7-foot-long beauty weighing as much as 450 pounds.

Debbie Jeter, CEO of Bear Path Acres, said, “We are in the process of building a larger habitat that will be a home she can grow into to ensure she has a happy, healthy and long life. The new tiger home will include structures for climbing and lounging as well as provide her with ample room to run and a pool to keep the big kitty cool.”

Bear Path is a licensed 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization and your contributions are entirely tax-deductible. Donations are needed to complete the project quickly and effectively. All monies donated for this project will go directly toward the zoo’s newest family member’s home. Bear Path Acres is looking to raise $15,000 to build the facility for the tiger cub.

Please help support Bear Path Acres mission to provide safe havens for animals at risk and give what you can in support of our White Tiger Cub Fund.

The tiger has not taken to a name yet, and Jeter said naming rights or something along that line could come along with a sponsorship of her.

For more about our White Tiger Cub Fund, or what you can do to become more involved with Bear Path Acres, visit to You can visit the gofundme account at

Bear Path Acres is located at 34574 Smiths Ferry Road and can be contacted at 516-8774.