Dee Dee Darden still needed on board

Published 11:17 am Friday, October 30, 2015

Editor’s note: These letters in support of candidates were received before the announced Wednesday deadline, but were not published in time because of a clerical oversight. 

To the Editor:

Having been elected to serve on the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors for the Windsor District some 20 years ago — and having served for a brief period — I only had a sampling of what the job is all about. It is a demanding job. Two things are certain: besides it being a great honor, it sometimes is a thankless job. No one can satisfy the whole constituency. Only a handful of voters know what it is about and they are the ones who have served.

We need Dee Dee Darden on the Board of Supervisors, not because some agree with her but because she is usually right on the issues, and has done a commendable and good job.

We still need a by-pass around Windsor. Most people know that. I sympathize with those who would sacrifice land for it, but government is meant to benefit the majority at the sacrifice of a few. Ms. Darden did not make the most controversial decisions by herself. The entire Board did that as a whole.

Voters in the Windsor District should have great reservations about electing a candidate who lives in Carrollton and works in York County. These factors greatly impact the possible effectiveness of anyone elected to serve. Being a supervisor requires a tremendous amount of time even during normal working hours.

The Windsor District, as all five districts now drawn, is simply too large. The county needs seven districts, and the sooner the better to afford adequate fair representation.

Dee Darden helped us set a new direction for Isle of Wight County after taking over a financial disaster made by her predecessors four years ago. She deserves to continue the ongoing hard work that lies ahead.

Lud L. Spivey