Artist’s auction enables family to pay medical bills

Published 9:45 am Friday, November 6, 2015

A local young artist’s endeavor to help a young child and her family recently yielded a plentiful response: $3,400 worth, to be precise.

Maddie giving Breelyn Hewett the check for $3,400. -- Submitted | Kasey Cosby

Maddie giving Breelyn Hewett the check for $3,400. — Submitted | Kasey Cosby

“Maddie’s Third Annual Silent Auction/Art Auction and Bake Sale was a great success thanks to the many people who came to the event, donated auction items as well as those who made baked goods,”

stated Kasey Cosby of Franklin about her daughter Madelyn.

The 12-year-old again created and contributed art, this time to raise money for 2-year-old Breelyn Hewett and her parents, Brandy and Scott of Black Creek. The child had been enduring a series of operations to correct a disorder that caused her hips to become dislocated. She also had to removed have a 4-1/2 pound teratoma growing off her tailbone.

The parents will use the money to pay for medical and travel expenses.