Congressman Forbes’ visit was a welcomed one

Published 9:58 am Friday, November 20, 2015

To the Editor:

I am writing as an informed citizen of Franklin, Virginia, in response to the article “Congressman Forbes to visit area.” As a supporter of the Franklin Rotary Club and recipient of the Franklin Rotary Club Hinkie Parker Memorial Scholarship in 2015, I am thrilled to hear that Congressman Randy Forbes visited the Franklin-Southampton County area to discuss congressional matters. It is a great opportunity for the local community to connect with such an important representative.

I believe Congressman Forbes embodies a strong sense of the sociological imagination, a term coined by sociologist C.W. Mills. This is the ability to look beyond oneself and place oneself with others. It is having the ability to shift from one perspective to another. His visit proves he is able to connect with his constituents as well as view issues and ideas from multiple points of view. If I were not in Harrisonburg, I would have been thrilled to hear what Congressman Forbes and constituents have to say regarding important congressional news.

Last year as a senior, my AP US Government teacher took our class to Eggs and Issues at Paul D. Camp Community College where we were updated on bills and laws affecting our community and the greater world. This provided an opportunity for us to get involved and even speak up about issues we would like to see discussed, like the lowering of college tuition for public institutions. I view Congressman Forbes’s visit similarly, as it gave over 100 students from Southampton High School, Franklin High School and Southampton Academy the privilege to listen, ask him questions and voice their opinions. I hope these students took advantage of this meeting and were able become more educated on federal issues.

I would like to thank the Franklin-Southampton Area Chamber of Commerce and the Franklin Rotary Club for organizing and hosting the event.

Paige Parker