Abortion, the DNC and Christians
Published 9:56 am Wednesday, August 10, 2016
On Nov. 17, 1957, at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, Martin Luther King delivered a message for the ages when he said: “There is something within each of us that causes us to cry out with Goethe, ‘There is enough stuff in me to make both a gentleman and a rogue.’ There is something within each of us that causes us to cry out with the Apostle Paul, ‘I see and approve the better things of life, but the evil things I do.’”
I was drawn to reading King’s speech at the conclusion of the 2016 Democratic National Convention, located just two miles away from convicted abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell’s infamous death factory — where a grand jury investigation found that Gosnell “regularly and illegally delivered live, viable, babies in the third trimester of pregnancy — and then murdered these babies by severing their spinal cords with scissors.” The investigation found that he also “overdosed his patients with dangerous drugs, spread venereal disease among them with infected instruments, perforated their wombs and bowels — and, on at least two occasions, caused their deaths.”
At one point, Gosnell justified his actions, saying it was his way of giving back to his community, similar to how pro-choice proponents claim that abortion is about women’s rights — proving true Dr. King’s words — that there is plenty in each of us to make both gentlemen and rogues.
Fast-forward to the 2016 DNC, now on record as the most pro-abortion political convention ever, with the party platform calling for taxpayer-funded abortions with the repeal of the Hyde amendment. In a fundraising email, NARAL Pro-Choice America declared: “Hillary Clinton made history as the strongest, most unapologetic champion of reproductive rights ever nominated for president…Other candidates have quietly supported abortion rights, not Hillary. She put choice front and center.”
During the convention, NARAL Pro Choice America president Ilyse Hogue wowed the crowd when she bragged about the abortion she had…for convenience-sake. Hogue heralded Clinton as a champion for abortion’s cause and demonized Donald Trump and his running mate, Mike Pence, for their pro-baby stance Democrats call “extreme.”
The crowd roared and surely Heaven wept, given what the Bible says about how much Jesus loves children.
And then my mind wandered a bit to wonder if it’s even possible anymore for a true Christian, not a Christian-in-name-only, to remain in today’s Democratic Party, which went on record booing God at a prior convention and cheering about abortions during this one.
And then this gets personal. At the very moment I think I have a “case” against that evil, anti-God, Democrat Party, my research for this column led me to a place that I did not plan to go.
I stumbled on a survey released late last year by the Christian research group, LifeWay Research, finding that almost 70 percent of women surveyed who admitted to having an abortion, self-identified as Christians and around 43 percent said they were regular church-goers of differing degrees at the time of their abortions.
So we are forced to dig a little deeper, maybe admitting there’s room enough in each of us for both a gentleman and a rogue.
Who is to blame that women are going from church pews to abortion clinics? For at the very heart of Christianity is a God who values life. “Before I formed you in the womb,” the prophet Jeremiah said, “I knew you.” And a relationship with the One who formed us and knows us, changes us from the inside-out, and we see things like abortions and even how we cast our votes from a more heavenly perspective.
Obviously, there’s plenty of blame to spread around, but maybe judgment, as Dr. King said, must begin by looking at ourselves.
SUSAN STAMPER BROWN lives in Alaska and writes about culture, politics and current events. She was selected as one of America’s 50 Best Conservative writers for 2015. Her columns are syndicated by CagleCartoons.com. Contact her by Facebook or at writestamper@gmail.com.