Pack 27 Cub Scouts reaching for the stars

Published 9:31 am Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Cub Scouts of Pack 27 were recognized for the advancements in rank during the Blue and Gold banquet on Sunday evening in the fellowship hall of Courtland Baptist Church.

Cecil Edwards, who served as the master of ceremony, explained that blue stands for the sky and for truth. Gold represents sunshine and happiness.

The first to move up is Ethan Yoder. As with all Cub Scouts, he first had to earn his Bobcat badge. That evening, he became a Tiger Cub. His father, Jeremy Yoder, is the den leader.

The second group is Wolf. Camden Collins, Mason Futrell, Charlie Hall, Ian Hardy, Calob Morris and Ridley Walsh will be mentored by den leader George Collins.

The third group is Bear. The new cubs are Evan Bay, Ethan Daughtry, Jon Holt, Alan Stephenson, Carson Story and Matthew Yoder. Sharon Bay is their new den leader.

In keeping with the theme of “Cubs in Space,” each boy had a constellation drawn on his face by Travis Fowler, den leader for the Arrow of Light recipients.

Five boys advanced to Webelos, which is not an animal, but an acronym for “We’ll Be Loyal Boy Scouts.”

Reportedly, the word came from the first letters in Wolf, Bear, Lion and Scout. The new Webelos, led by Edwards, are Owen Diehl, Jake Dunlow, Gabe Hardie, Andrew Hinson and Jayden Spratley.

Not only did the Cub Scouts move up within their organization, six others graduated or “crossed over” to become Boy Scouts: Blake Bay, Dawson Collins, Brennan Ford, Ian Fowler, James Futrell and Josh Yoder had each earned the Arrow of Light awards, the highest honor in the Cub Scout program. That badge will be the only one allowed on their Boy Scout uniform.

Fowler first lit seven candles, which represent wisdom, courage, self-control, justice, faith, hope and love. As each Webelo was called to the ceremonial bridge, they received new honors from Troop 125 Boy Scouts Michael Conner, Jacob Peden, Jonathan Marshall and Jake Fowler. These included new neckerchiefs to signify their crossing.

Afterward, all recited the Boy Scout Oath:

“On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”

Travis Fowler also had a crossing over as well. Calling him “the backbone of the organization” and wishing him well, Edwards announced that Fowler will be going to the troop and serve as assistant to Scout Master Greg Mason.