County school board gets budget update

Published 11:37 am Friday, May 18, 2018

by Kenya Smith/Intern

During the Southampton County School Board meeting on Monday evening, Finance Director Joy Carr reported on the budget situation for the school division. In her statement, she said that on April 23, the Southampton County Board of Supervisors finalized the draft budget, which included local funding of $12,587,953. This amount, Carr added, represents $368,387 more in local funding over the current year.

“The financing of five new school buses is also included in the supervisors’ draft budget,” she said. Carr later told The Tidewater News that the cost for each bus is $71,000.

“The School Board requested $13,673,176 in local funding. If the supervisors’ draft budget is approved, we will need to cut $1,085,223 from our operating budget,” she continued. “The General Assembly has yet to approve a budget for the 2019 fiscal year. Once the state budget is approved, we will also need to make the necessary adjustments according to the approved funding from the state.” 

Carr also said, “Based on recommendations from the budget committee, every effort will be made to keep the salary increases in place. We are also hoping to retain Code to the Future and the positions of Elementary Guidance Counselor, Elementary ITRT and four teacher assistants.”

The public hearing on the supervisors’ proposed draft budget is scheduled for Monday, May 21, starting at 7 p.m. in the County Administration Building.

They are expected to adopt the Fiscal Year 2019 annual budget and tax rates at their regular meeting on Tuesday, May 29, at 7 p.m. Once adopted, and the local funding is known, the school board will meet on Monday, June 11, to propose the revised budget.


Also during the meeting, faculty and students who participated in the Odyssey of the Mind program were recognized and rewarded for their hard work. Odyssey of the Mind allows students to work in teams and use creative thinking to solve problems. Every year, teams representing different schools participate in a competition where they get to show their skills through solving long-term problems.

In other business, school board members also approved schedules for summer school programs and transportation for Upward Bound. The board OK’d overnight trip requests for the following:

• Future Business Leaders of America

• Future Farmers of America

• SkillsUSA

• Yearbook design workshop

• Youth Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Program)

They also approved facility usage requests for the following:

• Western Tidewater Braves

• Franklin-Southampton Concert Association

• Franklin Tri-County Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.

• Southampton County Fire & Rescue Association

Next on the agenda was the instructional report, presented by SCPS Instruction Director Kelly Gillette. The first item was the kindergarten registration totals for the 2018-2019 school year. Each school’s kindergarten registration total are listed as follows:

• Capron Elementary – 22

• Meherrin Elementary – 33

• Nottoway Elementary – 33

• Riverdale Elementary – 55

The next item on the instruction report was the Lifesavers for Reading Volunteers Appreciation Luncheon, which took place on May 9 in the Wigwam at the Southampton Technical and Career Center. During the event, volunteers were recognized for their commitment and dedication to the students in Southampton County Public Schools.

Gillette also presented the summer school schedule for the 2018-2019 school year, as well as upcoming events for the remainder of the school year.

Near the end of the meeting, the student enrollment report was presented.

The report showed that total of students enrolled in April was 2,810, which included 127 pre-school and 14 special education pre-school students.