Garbage problem gotten worse in Western Tidewater

Published 10:11 am Monday, January 7, 2019

To the Editor:

I just drove to Food Lion in Courtland today [Jan. 2.] From Sedley to Franklin I was stunned at the amount of garbage along the road. Then on my drive back home by way of Flaggy Run, I was stunned at the amount of garbage along the road.

I reckon the abundance of trash at this time could be attributed to the holiday season, a time when we generate the most amount of trash all year.

And I further reckon the majority of this is from idiots hauling trash in pickup trucks with the trash piled up unsecured. I actually witnessed this last week. However, the driver actually stopped, went back and cleaned it up. I was thankful since that kept me from having to get involved.

When I haul trash in my pickup, trash is not spewing from it as I travel to the dump.

All I know is our county looks terrible because of this trash along our roadways. Do other counties look this bad? I don’t know. What’s the fix? I don’t know. Litter control enforcement is not enforced and frankly is non-existent here.

Educational efforts don’t work. I spent 18 years trying that. In fact, it’s just as bad or worse now.

Should the county spend a half million dollars a year cleaning up garbage and trash that is illegally deposited along our roadways? I don’t know.

Do I think convicts should cleanup our road? Absolutely, at least three days a week! Would that work? I don’t know. Do you know how to fix the problem?

Jeff Turner
Blackwater Nottoway RiverGuard