New coach in town for Southampton Indians football

Published 7:12 pm Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Derek Bynum for the Indians aims to throw a pass. Frank A. Davis


The Southampton County High School Indians opened the 2019 football season with a new coach at the helm. Although they lost the opener 42-6 to the Poquoson Islanders, Coach Travis Parker said after the game, “The scoreboard did not indicate the way that we wanted to come out, but the boys did not give up and they showed much resilience. We got 51 strong and they know we are going to come back. We are going back to the drawing board and we are going to come back and get better every single week.”

For the season opener, the attendance was high and lively, old school music was played during the game in between plays to pump up the crowd. The play-by-play was provided by two different announcers.

Although the Islanders dominated the game, there were bright spots for the home team as the coaching staff rotated three players at the quarterback spot. But Parker was quick to state that Derek Bynum was his starting quarterback.

Shaquil Jarrett finds an opening for a run. Frank A. Davis

“We want to do a lot of different things and mix it up and show different formations,” said the coach. “We want to be a hard team to prepare for and that is exactly what we want to prepare.”

In addition to the wildcat look with the quarterback position, the Indians on offense went to the air more than they have traditionally did.

Parker added, “One thing about a loss, you go back in the film room and study much harder than when you win. We as coaches are going to get back on the film study and find out what we were weak in and strengthen it and fill those holes in. We are going to be on the road for the next four weeks, but by the time we come back home on our home field we are going to be a lot better. We got a great coaching staff and great players. We have to start from somewhere and each week get better and better. Thank God for giving us the opportunity to be out there to play and coach football.”