Former treasurer urges voters re-elect Rhonda Griffin
Published 5:59 pm Friday, September 27, 2019
To the Editor:
To the voters of Southampton County:
I am writing this letter to show my confidence in and support for Rhonda Griffin to be re-elected as treasurer of Southampton County. I lived in Southampton County all of my life and still have a deep connection and concern for the welfare of my hometown and for the people who supported me as treasurer for 26 years.
Rhonda and I worked together for 13 years. I had the unique opportunity from inside of the treasurer’s office to watch her learn, fulfill and exceed the requirements as chief deputy treasurer.
In 2008, Ms. Griffin earned her certification as a master governmental deputy treasurer; through the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service at the University of Virginia. Currently, Ms. Griffin is enrolled in the certification program to become a certified master governmental treasurer. The education and the resources that she has received through the certification program gave her the knowledge to continue a smooth operation of the complex duties of the office. Last June, when I decided to retire, I asked that Ms. Griffin serve as interim treasurer. With the experience and the knowledge of the Virginia State codes that govern the treasurer’s office, I felt she was the best candidate to fill the vacancy. In November of 2018, a special election was held and the voters of Southampton County also showed their confidence in her by electing her, as the first female Treasurer in Southampton County history!
As treasurer, I asked Ms. Griffin’s opinion on numerous occasions, concerning the operation and policies of the Southampton County treasurer’s office. Her concerns were first on how it would affect the taxpayers and how would it be efficient and effective for the treasurer’s office. I included her in many of the daily duties of the office, so that if anything happened to me that the citizens of Southampton County would be in capable hands. I hope the voters in Southampton County will think from a daily business perspective, that Ms. Griffin already has relevant experience and the exact training to continue, without a learning curve. This effective and good work has been done, since August of 2018, for the citizens of Southampton County.
Rhonda V. Griffin is the clear choice for Southampton County treasurer. When you are talking about safeguarding Southampton County’s money, experience is a necessity that is needed.
David K Britt
Southampton County treasurer retired (1992-2018)