Robert White seeks supervisor’s chair

Published 11:38 pm Friday, October 25, 2019


Serving on the Southampton Planning Commission is not enough for Robert T. White. He wants to do more. That is, more for the county and its residents.

Robert T. White

“I’ve been on Planning for four years and feel like I know what’s going on,” said the 57-year-old businessman. He added that awareness includes, of course, the courthouse situation. His goals for being a supervisor include not only helping to resolve that issue, but also attracting new businesses and industry while at the same time preserving the county’s rural personality, which includes the hunting heritage that’s strong here.

“I want to do what I can do and give back,” White continued. “I’ve made a good living here in Southampton County.”

The decision to become a supervisor stems from the retirement of Barry Porter, who has represented the Franklin District, but decided not to seek re-election for personal reasons.

“He asked me if I wanted to run,” White said about Porter’s encouragement, which came during a meeting of the Hunterdale Ruritan Club.

Perhaps there should not be any surprise that he’s seeking the chair, especially since White’s father, Lee White Sr., had himself been a supervisor in the 1970s. Both Lee and his wife, Mary, are deceased.

As noted above, the candidate is more than merely acquainted with the county. For the past several years, he’s been managing his late father’s trucking business, involved since 1978. Further, White serves on the Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee, which prioritizes road projects for the Virginia Department of Transportation.

Then there’s the work on the Franklin Regional Airport Advisory Committee, which White said he quite recently joined. He indicated that a revamping of the airport is in the works. That’s particularly dear to White because he’s already an instrument-rated pilot.

“I try to fly at least once a month, depending on the weather. It’s a good release — a thrill,” said White, who credits Everett Williams as his mentor who taught him how to fly.

Speaking of acknowledgements, White’s spouse of 22 years, Eva, gets the most praise for her support. He stressed his gratitude toward her several times during the interview. The couple is proud of their daughter, Maggie W. Newsome of Cofield, North Carolina, and stepson, Chris Howell.

Election Day is on Tuesday, Nov. 5.