LETTER: Defending our flag: A call for courage and unity in America’s leadership

Published 12:00 pm Friday, August 23, 2024

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To the Editor:

Congressmen, senators, Capitol Police, local D.C. police, Federal Bureau of Investigations, Secret Service and the CIA … I have but one question: Have you absolutely lost your minds and your courage?

How dare you allow United States of America flags to be taken down and burned right in front of your eyes and do absolutely nothing. Countless men and women defend this flag every day of their lives, home and abroad. Any group of people that have found sanctuary in this country knows how much better off they are here than where they come from. They have been given opportunities that they are comfortable with which is why I guess they remain.

No one should be allowed to disrespect those who lost their lives in defense of the red, white and blue. Their lives meant something then and still do. How do you think these survivors of those who lost loved ones feel when they see atrocities such as this? There is a real problem in our government with respect. I saw how the Democratic Party forced Joe Biden out of the race for fear of a convicted felon named Donald Trump. This man served this country for most of his life and ours, as well as over 50 years of his life and his family’s lives, when Mitch McConnell had several episodes of blackouts while on air.

Republicans stood beside him, supported him, and gave him confidence. Never suggested he step down, nor tell him he was unworthy to serve. Shame on you who left your commander-in-chief feeling unworthy and unneeded. I would like to see Michelle Obama as vice president. Whether you like it or not, it would be a winning ticket for sure. Hopefully and prayerfully America will wake up and see the gross injustices it has placed on “We the People” which will launch an attitude of gratitude for the red, white and blue that we may become better representatives of what we call America.

To all veterans, please don’t allow those who have served before us and after us who gave their lives to be forgotten. We will remember, always and forever.

Larry D. Matthews
