Council candidates discuss city charter changes
Published 9:29 am Saturday, April 21, 2012
Editor’s Note: This is the second in a four-part series focusing on Franklin City Council candidates for the May 1 election.
Do you believe the city’s charter should be amended? If so, what specific changes do you support?
Ward 1 Candidates
Barry W. Cheatham
Yes, I do. I believed in the changes we had passed as a council last year and hope they will be taken back to Richmond this year. I think they were just good governance.
The recall should be allowed. If an elected official is not doing the job that the citizens expected that voted them in, then they ought to be able to go through a process to recall them.
The City Council is like a board of directors and should not micro-manage the city. We are a strong city manager form of government. We have this on the charter now, but wanted to add some teeth to it.
Finally if a person running for office can’t handle his own financial affairs, why should he be entrusted to handle the citizens’?
Earl Blythe
I believe the City Council should appoint a committee of citizens, probably one representative from each ward, one or two council members and the city attorney to make recommendations to the City Council in time for there to be a referendum coinciding with the November election.
Any proposed charter changes approved by the voters could then be sent to the General Assembly for action during the 2013 session.
Ward 4 Candidates
Mona Murphy
Yes, I would like our citizens to be able to recall elected officials during their term if they feel that the voices of the majority are not being heard.
It is incumbent upon all who have been elected to serve that you be mindful of the voters that put you in office.
Once elected, if you decide to put your personal agenda above those who gave you the job, then they should be afforded the opportunity to relieve you of your duty and hire someone who will represent their interest.
Linwood Johnson
First, I believe that any charter change or changes the council votes to make should first go through a town hall meeting as was done concerning the Navy flyovers.
Secondly, the council should put any prospective changes to our charter up for vote in a citywide referendum, so we can truly see and hear the voice of the citizens.