
Published 11:44 am Saturday, August 18, 2012

Megan Samantha Johnson married William Anthony Walton IV at 2 p.m. Saturday, July 21, 2012, at the University of Virginia Chapel in Charlottesville.

Deacon Robert Giovenco from St. Bridget’s Catholic Church in Richmond officiated the double-ring ceremony.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wayne Johnson of Sedley.

Her maternal grandparents are Jean Talmage Edwards of Sedley and the late James Cecil Edwards. Paternal grandparents are Elizabeth Vaughan Johnson of Franklin and the late Stanley Wayne Johnson.

The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Anthony Walton III of Richmond. His maternal grandparents are Genevieve Conroy Mendez of Richmond and the late Dr. Manuel Diaz Mendez. Paternal grandparents are Faye Walton of Richmond and the late William Anthony Walton II.

Jim Sively of Charlottesville provided traditional and contemporary music.

Erica Marie Andersen of Lubbock, Texas, was maid of honor.

Bridesmaids were Ashley Nicole Brown of Richmond, Melissa Ann Budd of Charlotte, N.C., Jaclyn Michele Krupa of West Hartford, Conn., Caitlin Murphy Walton of Richmond, sister of the groom, and Meredith Alena Weiner of Virginia Beach.

Zachary James Walton of Richmond, brother of the groom, was best man.

Groomsmen were David Lee Amos of Charlottesville, Lucas Allen Gillenwater of Amherst, and Colin Robert Innes, Stephen Edward Matous and Matthew Clark Winter, all of Richmond.

Usher Jonathon Lee Caulder of Lexington greeted guests at the chapel and wedding reception.

Meaghan Mary Cabot of Charlottesville was mistress of ceremonies.

Following the ceremony, the bride’s parents hosted a reception in the ballroom at Glenmore Country Club in Keswick.

The couple honeymooned in Kauai, Hawaii.

The new Mrs. Walton is a counselor with Henrico County Public Schools.

Her husband is a certified public accountant with Ernst and Young in Richmond.

The groom’s parents hosted the rehearsal dinner at Farmington Country Club in The Jefferson Room.

The mother of the bride hosted a luncheon to honor the bride and her bridesmaids on July 20 at The Dinsmore House Inn in Charlottesville.

Fairfield Middle School employees in Richmond surprised the bride with a miscellaneous shower in June.

The bridesmaids entertained her with a miscellaneous shower on June 17 at The Country Club of Virginia in Richmond.

Sharon Dunkum and Cynthia Stone, aunts of the bride, honored her with a kitchen and recipe shower in the Dunkum home in Richmond on May 19.