Isle of Wight, schools to discuss shared services

Published 11:16 am Wednesday, December 9, 2009

ISLE OF WIGHT—Shared services between the county and the school system is not a new idea in Isle of Wight County.

“It’s been talked about for over 10 years,” said county spokesman Don Robertson. Now, facing the loss of its largest taxpayer and anticipating more funding cuts from the state, the county and the schools are planning discussions on the possibility of consolidating departments.

The School Board will discuss shared services during a 6 p.m. work session Thursday, before its regularly scheduled meeting at the courthouse complex.

The Board of Supervisors and the School Board will hold a special joint meeting at 5 p.m. Monday in the library at Smithfield Middle School to discuss shared services.

All areas where there is duplication between the county and the school system will be looked at, including legal services, public information, maintenance, payroll and human resources, Robertson said.

“They’re looking at any number of areas,” he said.