Thanks for the dream

Published 9:46 am Friday, August 31, 2012

It’s clear that Monday night meant the world to 13-year-old cancer survivor Richie Artis.

That’s when Franklin Police Chief Phil Hardison and City Council made his dream of becoming a police officer a reality by swearing him in as an honorary officer.

It was an awesome experience for everyone involved, but especially Richie, whose smile wouldn’t disappear. We thank Hardison and the police officers for making that happen.

The J.P. King Middle School student has to live with a shunt used to drain fluid off his brain after a grapefruit-sized tumor was removed a decade ago. His brain cancer is in remission, but the surgery affected his hearing, sight and speech. He believes the surgery would prevent him from becoming an officer.

This is truly a remarkable story.

Richie wanted to become a police officer to keep his family safe and make his mother, Letrice Felton, proud.

Richie, you’ve made us all proud. We’re proud of our community. We’re proud of our police department.