Merry Christmas or happy holiday?

Published 9:48 am Friday, December 14, 2012

To the Editor:

The day we are celebrating is the birth of Jesus Christ.

Like it or not.

So for all of you out there saying and telling your employees to say happy holiday so as not to be offensive to non-believers, or calling a parade or play a “holiday parade” is very offensive to all of us believers.

You are losing more by saying it and not recognizing Christ than you will ever know. If you can’t recognize the day for what it is, then why do you decorate and buy and open gifts?

So take down your holiday tree and stay in the dark. You don’t call the Fourth of July a holiday; you call it the Fourth or Independence Day.

Christmas is Christmas Day not “Holiday.”

You can be politically correct with all the demons, or you can stand for what is right.

Stand with your Savior. Luke 2:11. Born to you this day in the city of David, a savoir who is Christ the Lord.

Merry Christmas to all.

Mark Whaley