Litter Control Council needs citizens involvement
Published 9:45 am Friday, May 3, 2013
To the Editor:
At the April 3, 2013, Litter Control Council meeting, the newly reorganized Southampton County Litter Control Council; elected Spier Edwards to serve as Chairman and Danny Williams to serve as Vice Chairman.
The Litter Control Council is comprised of 19 members with a purpose to generate and maintain interest in litter control and recycling, and to promote the improvements of the environment of the Southampton County community in general.
The Council is divided into five subcommittees consisting of: Communication, Education, Clean-up, Law Enforcement and Recycling. Each subcommittee will develop at least three measurable goals/objectives, and will start to implement a plan of action by May 1, 2013.
This Litter Control Council will be seen and heard. We will be participating in the Southampton County Fair, Franklin Fall Festival, Boykins Pumpkins Fest, Down Home Day and other events. We will also have articles in The Tidewater News, informing citizens of what actions the council has taken in the past month to control litter, promote recycling and what we plan to do in the month ahead. We will inform the Board of Supervisors of the actions of this council at the monthly Board of Supervisors meeting.
This Council needs citizen involvement and cannot function without it. We need civic clubs, hunt clubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, churches, fire departments and all that are interested in making Southampton County a more attractive place to live and work. Everyone needs to become involved. We need you!
The objectives that have been set will be difficult, but it can be done and will be done if you will get involved. You can make a difference!
The recycle program that has been put in place will reduce the tremendous amount of money spent to dispose of our litter.
If you wish to know more about the Litter Council and who your representative is in your area, please call Spier Edwards at 757-650-8134.
Thank you,
Spier Edwards
Boykins, Virginia