Public asked to fill bus with school supplies
Published 8:48 am Saturday, August 24, 2013
FRANKLIN—The GYG Mental Health Agency and the Empowerment and Uplifting Foundation LLC are working together for the second annual “Stuff the Bus” program, which is scheduled next week.
The goal is to fill a bus with school supplies for students going to city and county public schools. The vehicle will be posted at the Walmart on Armory Drive. A list of what’s needed will be available in the store.
The donations are requested in recognition that many families won’t be able to afford all that their children require for schools.
“We’d like people to come out and support this,” said Henry Olds, who does marketing for GYG, which is based in Newport News, and has the local branch in Franklin.
He added that churches, individual volunteers, fraternities, sororities and local educators are already contributing.
“Last year we worked in conjunction with WAVY TV 10,” said Olds about the inaugural event.
GYG first stood for “Guiding Young Girls,” he said, adding that the organization realized young boys also needed help, so the initialization also stands for “Guiding Young Gents.” The agency also extends mental health services to whole families.
“We’re a full-service organization,” Olds said.
According to its website, the Empowerment and Uplifting Foundation, also based in Newport News, was started in 2012 by Daniel Brown and Corey Olds. The nonprofit organization strives to help people who less fortunate than others. This can be done through counseling, education and food service programs.
The bus will be parked in front of Walmart from 2 to 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 29 and Friday, Aug. 30; and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 30. Other times the vehicle will be in front of the GYG, 115 W. Second Ave., Franklin.
For more information, call 562-2108.