Franklin Redevelopment & Housing Authority meets
Published 9:46 am Friday, January 24, 2014
JANUARY 24, 1964
The first meeting of the recently appointed Franklin Redevelopment and Housing Authority was held last Thursday night at City Hall.
G. E. Pillow, president of Bristow Insurance Corp. was elected vice chairman by the five-man board. J. R. Howerton, comptroller at Union Bag-Camp Paper Corp., was previously appointed chairman of the Authority by City Council.
Harold Atkinson, Franklin City Manager, was appointed acting secretary of the Authority. City Attorney Edward Moyler, Jr. was appointed to the position of legal counsel.
Atkinson was appointed acting executive director in order to get the program launched. According to Franklin Mayor Dr. Darden Jones, a full-time executive director will be hired.
“We expect he will be hired in six to eight months,” he said.
At the beginning of the meeting, Atkinson read a resolution passed by the City Council which recognized the referendum result, authorizing the Authority, and the appointment of its members.
By-laws of the organization were discussed. Atkinson and Moyler were asked to draw up proposed by-laws and to submit them at a later date for the Authority’s consideration.
A preliminary analysis of the Franklin redevelopment program, prepared two years ago by an out-of-state consulting firm, was discussed at Thursday’s meeting. No specific action was taken.
Members of the Authority other than Howerton and Pillow are: Dr. A.B. Harrison, Woodrow Livesay and James Piette.
The City of Franklin is considering the purchase of the old W. T. Pace house for $14,900. The property is now owned by Anthony Walzcskowski of Florida who bought the house two years ago and was planning to use the property as a nursing home. Strict requirements by the State prevented that use.
The City proposes to offer the house rent-free to the Franklin Library Association for use as a much needed and expanded library. According to the terms of the proposed agreement, the City would furnish the building rent-free, pay for all utilities, heat, janitorial services, insurance, etc.
The annual “Hospital Ball,” always considered the top social function of the year in Franklin and Southampton, has been set for February 7 at the General Vaughan Armory in Franklin. The theme this year will depict the grandeur of the Victorian era, in all its splendor of 19th century Europe.
Mrs. Sidney T. Nutting, ticket chairman, urges all those wishing reserved seats to make up their tables of ten people as soon as possible. Other members of the committee are: Mrs. John M. Camp, Jr.; Mrs. Joe Hutt, Jr.; Mrs. Louis Jervey, Jr.; and Mrs. James Piette.
Proceeds from the “Ball” will go toward funding various needs at the hospital. Right now, consideration is being given for the establishment of a “pink lady” program at the hospital. Among other things, uniforms for the volunteers will be needed. At a recent meeting of the Auxiliary, Mrs. Camp modeled a pink lady uniform.
The Executive Board of the Parent-Teachers Association of Franklin held its regular monthly meeting last Thursday at Franklin High School. Robert T. Edwards, DDS, presided and led the group in discussions in regard to various organizational issues.
Dr. William Whitehurst, history professor from Old Dominion College in Norfolk, was guest speaker.
The high-level existence of the Franklin PTA, as of this week, 488 members strong and growing, obviously, will greatly enhance the learning environments (home to school – school to home) to which children are exposed. Parental involvement and stable home environments are essential to the total student learning process.
Horace Pierce was installed as president of the Franklin Kiwanis Club Tuesday during a ladies night banquet at the Cypress Cove Country Club. Other officers are William Branch, first vice president; Fred Rabil, second vice president; and Lemuel Hawkins, secretary-treasurer.
W. J. M. Holland III, outgoing president, presided at the meeting and gave a brief summary of the club’s activities for 1963.
CLYDE PARKER is a retired human resources manager for the former Franklin Equipment Co. and a member of the Southampton County Historical Society. His email address is