Windsor candidates reminded of new deadline

Published 10:06 am Friday, April 25, 2014

WINDSOR—Elections for offices in Windsor are a little more than six months away, but potential candidates have just slightly more than six weeks to register their intentions, said Town Manager Mike Stallings.

“As you are aware, the Town of Windsor will be holding its elections in November for the first time this year,” he said. “We were just made aware of the fact that anyone who wishes to run for office in Windsor must have their packages turned into the registrar by [Tuesday] June 10.

“With May elections, the deadline was typically only 60 days or so ahead of the election,” added Stallings. “This deadline is close to half a year ahead of the November election, and I am sure some people may miss the deadline.”

There were two factors that evidently convinced the town council to vote for move.

“The cost factor and the lack of voters,” said N. Macon Edwards III, councilman. He has already confirmed that he’ll run for a second four-year term. “We felt like we could more public input. There are 2,300 or 2,400 registered voters in town, I think. This would also tie in with state and some federal elections.”

Registration packets can be picked up from the Isle of Wight County Registrar’s Office.

Viki Lonsdale, assistant registrar, explained what candidates need.

“They do have to get 125 qualified voters to sign a petition.There’s a declaration of candidates. This is a certificate stating they’re town residents, qualified to vote and that sort of thing,” said Lonsdale.

As with Smithfield, Windsor candidates don’t have to file campaign finance reports.

“They usually don’t spend a lot of money,” she added.

For more information, call Lonsdale at 365-6230.

Stallings also said, “Anyone who is interested in running is more than welcome to come talk to me if they have any questions about the Town of Windsor.”

Three Council seats plus the mayorship will be on the ballot come Tuesday, Nov. 4. The following council members’ terms expire on Wednesday, Dec. 31: Wesley F. Garris, vice mayor; Patty Fleming, N. Macon Edwards III; and Carita J. Richardson, mayor.

Garris said he has not yet made a decision about seeking another term.

“I might be looking for a break. I’ve been on council for 40-plus years,” he said. “The first time I ran, the three people who ran were incumbents. None of got elected. The next time they had an opening, the council asked me to serve and I did. You got a $1 a month if you attended the meetings. The last that I ran I was the top vote-getter.

“I would hope some younger people would take an interest,” added Garris. “That’s what we need are some good young business people…maybe it’s time to call it a career.”

Richardson, however, confirmed her intention to run for a second term.

“I’ve been encouraged by quite a few people in Windsor to do it. Originally I was going to do it four years. I wanted to get younger people involved or even people on council,” said Richardson. “So far I haven’t heard of anyone who wants to run for mayor.”

The mayor believes that she and the council have made achievements.

“One of the things we’ve accomplished was to buy land for the future municipal center, so to speak. We have a police station — got it up and running,” said the mayor.

But, added Richardson, there are other things she’d like to get done while in office.

“The next thing is the town administrative building, of which we’re in dire need. We’re saving money for and planning for that. Also, we have received a $50,000 capital improvement grant from the Obici Healthcare Foundation.”

That money will go to saving the Windsor Middle School gymnasium and renovating to become a community center.

“I think I will go ahead and run again,” said Richardson. “I have a great council and hope they’ll run again.”