One night, one place, one voice

Published 10:23 am Saturday, April 26, 2014


For the ninth year, we are preparing to honor the Lord as we observe together our National Day of Prayer at the Franklin Armory Field Stadium. The date for this year’s prayer rally is Thursday, May 1 at 7 p.m. Our national theme for this 63rd National Day of Prayer is “One Voice United in Prayer.” Our key Scripture is Romans 15:6, which states, “So that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Let’s lift our voices like a trumpet and mobilize God’s people to come together and seek the Lord on behalf of our nation.

Every human voice is distinctive to its source. That’s part of God’s creative genius. You sound like yourself and God loves that.

The Lord loves the sound of each voice who calls out to Him. The Bible declares that God delights in the prayer of the His people.

If what I’ve said is true of one person who is justified by faith in Jesus Christ, how much more when an entire area congregates to cry out to God with one unique and united voice. God responds powerfully to that kind of single, corporate voice, that kind of expression of passion and faith. The Lord said, “Call unto Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you did not know.”

We will congregate in the bleachers of Armory Field Stadium, a place that is renowned for touchdowns. Well, we believe that the Holy Spirit wants to “touch down” upon our community and upon this nation. Last year we had 48 churches enthusiastically represented. In case of inclement weather, the prayer rally will be held inside in the National Guard Armory Gymnasium. We are better because we have prayed together. When God’s people cry out, heaven responds.

See you at the rally.

The Rev. David S. Dillon
Local National Day of Prayer Steering Committee