Re-elect Edwards as Mayor of Boykins
Published 9:12 am Friday, May 2, 2014
Support R.S. (Spier) Edwards for mayor for Boykins on May 6th. When voters go to the polls to cast their votes they will be responsible for electing a mayor and five Town Council members. Mayor Edwards has been the town’s mayor for 10 years and has worked very hard with council members and citizen groups to improve Boykins. One only has to visit Boykins to see how our hometown has changed with new businesses opening up and old homes being refurnished back to their original beauty and new families moving into town. When you live in Boykins you take pride in your town, and this is what Mayor Edwards has been trying to accomplish these past years and we do not want to lose this.
Mayor Edwards has developed strong ties with many small-town mayors, county, state and federal officials attending meetings learning new ways to make out town safe for its citizens. Mayor Edwards’ goal is to make Boykins a better place for generations to live. Do you want to lose all this to an inexperience person to run your town? NO!
If you are voting for the first time or you have voted before look closely at each candidate and the qualifications he brings to the table to make Boykins a place you want to live and raise your family. Do you want to throw away all that has been accomplished? NO! Go to the polls and vote for R. S. (Spier) Edwards for mayor!
Do not make that mistake by voting for the wrong person, because if you vote for his opponent our town will only go backwards in time and the pride we have now may disappear. Do you want that to happen to our town? The answer is NO! So go out and do the right thing for yourself and our town.
Mary Washington