Understanding true meaning of Memorial Day

Published 10:12 am Saturday, May 28, 2011

To the Editor:

Memorial Day is not about parades and parties. It is about a young farmer picking up a gun and going to fight the British, never returning home

Memorial Day is not about picnics. It is about a young man in Texas taking a stand at the Alamo and his family never getting to say goodbye.

Memorial Day is not about furniture or car sales. It is about a young man kissing a young wife goodbye before “going over there.”

Memorial Day is not about the first long weekend of summer. It is about the father of three lying dead on Omaha Beach on D-Day

Memorial Day is not about family outings. It is about a family sitting in front of a flag-draped coffin, wondering what it was their son died for in that desert so far way.

Memorial Day is not about us. It is about them, those who died for a cause they could not explain, but also could not ignore. This day is about the men and women who have died for all of us to have the freedoms to complain about them. Maybe this day needs to be about us loving them as much as they loved us.

John 15:13: “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”

The Rev. Chuck Worth