County fair contestants gearing up for shows

Published 9:41 pm Friday, July 11, 2014


Wow, where has time gone? It is already July and the Franklin-Southampton County Fair is just around the corner.

The fair board has been busy getting the fairgrounds ready; making some improvements, putting up new buildings, etc. The contestants for all of our pageants have started meeting to prepare for their contest from Little Miss up to our Miss Franklin-Southampton County Fair queen.

The talent show preliminary is on July 23 at 7 p.m. We are still looking for contestants. Applications can be picked up at Grayson and Emma’s Garden Spot in Courtland. We have fantastic entertainment lined up for the main stage all week.

We have a great group of kids again this year for all the 4-H events. Please come out to the fair and visit the stockyard and show your support to all these amazing kids that devote so much time and effort in their 4-H programs raising these animals and getting them ready to show. These kids are our future and deserve our thanks and support.

So mark your calendars for Aug. 13 through Aug. 16 and plan to attend the best 4 day party in Southampton County. See you at the fair!

Sandra Heeren

Fair Board of Directors