Warner is pro-military

Published 9:17 am Wednesday, October 22, 2014

To the Editor:

I am writing in response to respectfully disagree with Mr. [Herb] DeGroft’s letter published on Oct. 17 in your paper regarding Senator Mark Warner.

From his leadership on a bipartisan committee dedicated to creating solutions to the national debt, to his collaboration with Republican senators on strengthening government accountability, all a voter has to do is check Warner’s past voting record to verify that much like a majority of Virginia’s citizens, Warner is in fact a moderate.

The majority of Warner’s tenure as governor and senator has been spent enacting bills that protect Virginia’s veterans and military men and women. Warner has supported specific legislation that ensures female military veterans get equal access to treatment for PTSD. He has also recently been meeting with VAs all over Virginia to alleviate issues that are preventing veterans from receiving the care they deserve and need in a timely manner.

This November, vote for a candidate who knows what issues are important-and more importantly knows how to reach across the aisle to solve these issues.

David Wendell James