Trustee Sale – 186.00 acres P.J. Sykes Farm

Published 12:40 pm Monday, February 9, 2015

Trustee’s Sale of

186.00 acres P.J. Sykes Farm,

Southampton County, Virginia

(Tax ID No. 90-34)

Pursuant to the terms of a certain Deed of Trust dated November 18, 2010, in the original principal amount of $200,000.00 and recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Southampton County, Virginia as Instrument No. 100002887, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured, the undersigned Substitute Trustees, pursuant to the request of the noteholder, will sell at public auction on March 12, at 10:00 a.m., at the main entrance of the courthouse for the circuit court for Southampton County located at 22350 Main Street, Courtland, VA 23837, the property described as:

ALL THAT certain tract or parcel of land lying, being and situate in Newsoms Magisterial District, Southampton County, Virginia, known as a part of the Sykes Place, beginning at the gate at the head of the lane and running N. 67 E. 30 chains to swamp, thence up run of swamp 14 chains to Jas. T. Barrett’s corner, thence N. 40 W. 13 chains, thence N. 23 W. 10 chains, thence N. 26 W. 8-3/5 chains to corner, thence nearly west 23 ½ chains to J. F. Porter’s line at a large pine, thence S. 24 E. 30 chains along J. F. Porter’s line, thence south 18 chains to corner, thence N. 74 E. 15 chains to a holly, a corner, thence S. 15 E. 4-7/10 chains to point of beginning, said to contain 186 acres, more or less, and bounded by the lands of J. F. Porter, Jas. T. Barrett and W. D. Porter. This being in all respects the same land conveyed to J. Fletcher Porter by Cordelia E Porter by deed dated December 18, 1919 and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk’s Office in Deed Book 62, page 520.”

The above described real estate being in all respects the same of which J. F. Porter died intestate on November 18, 1947 seized and possessed, and inherited by his widow, Bertha B. Porter, and his three children, Ethel P. Hayes, Carrie P. Cogsdale, and Virginia P. Wyatt, as his sole heirs at law.

It being the same real property conveyed to Raymond E. Drake under Article X of the Last Will and Testament of E. J. Cogsdale, recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Southampton County in Will Book 50 at Page 178.

186.00 acres P.J. Sykes Farm, Southampton County, Virginia (Tax ID No. 90-34)

Sale is subject to all prior liens, easements, restrictions, covenants, and conditions, if any, of record, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or inspection of the premises.

TERMS: CASH. A deposit of $20,000.00 or 15% of the sale price, whichever is lower, will be required of the successful bidder at time of sale. Prior to the sale, interested bidders will be required to register with and must present a bid deposit which may be held during the sale by the trustee. The bid deposit must be certified funds and/or cash, but no more than $20,000.00 of cash will be accepted. The successful bidder’s deposit will be retained at the sale and applied to the sale price. If held by the trustee, all other bid deposits will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. Settlement is to be made within 15 days. The Successful bidder will be responsible for obtaining possession of the property, and for all costs and fees related to preparation of and the recordation of the Trustee’s Deed, including the grantors tax. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Memorandum of Trustee’s Sale, available for review at the office of Midgett, Preti, Alperin P.C., outlining additional terms of sale and settlement. A Trustee’s Deed will be prepared by Trustee’s attorney at high bidder’s expense.

This is a communication from a debt collector. Substitute Trustees, Scott N. Alperin and John T. Midgett, with a business address of 2901 S. Lynnhaven Road, Suite 120, Virginia Beach, VA 23452 (757) 490-3500. Publication dates: February 8-15, 15-22 and March 8, 2015.

Virginia Auction Co. VAF#662 757-538-0123