Suffolk visitor thanks Boykins for Steak Feast
Published 12:29 pm Saturday, September 5, 2015
To the Editor:
I want to take this opportunity to publicly thank the Boykins Lions Club members for the excellent Steak Feast they sponsored on Sept. 2, as it this was my third one in attendance, and it seems that each one is better than the last one!
Great food, great fellowship, excellent crowd and just a time to kick back, relax and I always enjoy seeing folks there whom I seldom see during the year for one reason or another.
The Steak Feast reminds me of the way the Suffolk Shrimp Feast used to be “back in the day” and I can tell you the Boykins event is the epitome of that wonderful triangle of “food, fun and fellowship in the country,” … and I’m sure if Norman Rockwell was still living, he’d be right there painting a picture which would be worthy to be the cover for “Life Magazine,” and that picture would be worth 1,000 words!!
Thanks to all the good folks of the Lions Club who put on the event, and please know your efforts are much appreciated by many supporters, including yours truly!
Billy Chorey