Looking back: Livesay reports from Viet Nam

Published 10:07 am Friday, November 20, 2015

by Clyde Parker

NOV. 20, 1965

Ensign Holt M. Livesay, a United States Navy Aviator, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Livesay, 413 Meadow Lane, Franklin, has left the battle area of the China Sea aboard the aircraft carrier “Midway” for Alameda, California.

Ensign Livesay was assigned to the “Midway” when it left California, in March, for an eight-month cruise. He is a skyraider fighter pilot and, to date, has flown 95 combat missions in Viet Nam.

Ensign Livesay flew over-cover for the first U. S. Marine landings in Viet Nam. He participated in the first missile destructions within 35 miles of Hanoi in July and more recently participated in flying cover for trips around Plei Mei.

Holt, in a recent letter to his mother and father, told of an encounter he had with a Franklin man. “About three weeks ago, while flying around an Army Air Base near Da Nang, I talked by radio to Sgt. Mills Beale of Franklin,” Holt stated. “Mills is a control tower specialist. I made a couple of low passes over the field so he could take my picture.”

Holt wrote further, “I have flown so much lately my back is tired from staying so long in a small cockpit. When I get out of the Navy, I am coming home to Virginia and I just might never leave the state again.”

He is married to the former Judy White of Buena Vista.

Indians conclude season

As reported by John Meditz, sportswriter for The Tidewater News, the Southampton High School “Indians” football team has closed the 1965 season with a posted 7-3 record.

With a win streak of 17 straight games, the Indians lost to Suffolk last Friday by a score of 19 to 12.

Coach Chris Caison said, “I am pleased with the season the team had. The goal was 10-0. That will be the goal next year.”

“Seniors graduating this year will drain the team at all positions.

Allen Applewhite, Barry Porter, Steve Bryant and Dale Williams will be lost at end positions.

Art Rawlings at tackle, and doing most of the extra point kicking, will be graduating.

Guards Jack Drewry, Sammy Drake and Donnie Joyner are graduating.

Center Tripp Hines and quarterback Jimmy Westbrook will be very badly missed.

To complete the backfield, seniors leaving are fullback Mike York, halfbacks Ben Ussery and William Hart Gillette. Also Penn Watkinson and Bobby Davis are leaving.”

Jaycees urge industrial development action

The Franklin Jaycee organization, headed by President Albert L. Faison, is urging the Franklin City Council to get busy and get behind City industrial development efforts. At Monday night’s meeting of the City Council, Faison presented a letter which threw full support of the Franklin Jaycees to the “Murray Proposal” which calls for more concerted and proactive efforts by the City in the area of industrial development.

At a Council meeting a month ago, Councilman John Murray proposed that the City establish a municipal industrial park, land that is secured by purchase or option that is ready and waiting for new industry. He also proposed that an industrial committee be appointed by Mayor Darden Jones to be composed of City Council representation, City Manager Harold Atkinson, Franklin Chamber of Commerce representation, and a Franklin Jaycee representative.

The Tidewater News Publisher Hanes Byerly said in an editorial, last week, “It is the opinion of this newspaper that the only way Franklin will ever be effective in attracting new industry is to make it a PROJECT of City government.”

Byerly went further in addressing the issue. “The fact is, Chamber officials, committee chairmen and volunteer workers, all changing from year-to-year, can not devote the time necessary for an all-out new industry campaign. They do not have the facilities or the funds. Therefore, if the job is to be done, it must be done by CITY HALL, and the quicker the better.

Faison put it another way to the City Council. He said, “Over the years, Franklin has received many inquiries but they all seem to sit on the table and then die completely. The Jaycees think that Franklin has a capable city council and city administration and they should take the lead in industrial development.”

“The Jaycees took action on this matter because we felt it was of vital importance to the young men in Franklin,” said Faison. “We are happy that City Council will actively involve itself in industrial development.”

Commenting on the Jaycees’ action, Mayor Jones addressed Faison, “We certainly appreciate your interest in this matter, you young men are the growing backbone of our City.” Councilman Murray was visibly pleased with the Jaycees’ support of his proposal. “I am delighted with your response and your support.”

City Manager Harold Atkinson said, “City government should either drop industry seeking efforts altogether or go ALL-OUT, using total resources of Franklin as incentives, and get the job underway. The Jaycees have asked the city to go ALL-OUT.”

CLYDE PARKER is a retired human resources manager for the former Franklin Equipment Co. and a member of the Southampton County Historical Society. His email address is magnolia101@charter.net.