Reader disagrees with cap-and-trade talk
Published 8:57 am Wednesday, July 15, 2009
To the Editor:
I found the recent op-ed on cap-and-trade by Thomas Friedman in The Virginian-Pilot to be one of the worst examples of blatant propaganda that I have ever read.
Since when is America totally responsible for carbon emissions? Are we the only humans and animals who breathe out CO2 or emit CO2 from our manufacturing plants and vehicles? What is the total emission percentage worldwide contributed by the United States? Less than 6 percent, right? Are we going to accept this as a major problem while the rest of the world is producing 94 percent and doing nothing?
Since when did the U.S. government become the owner of the air that we inhale and then exhale called carbon dioxide, which in turn becomes “carbon credits,” which will be sold by the government to cover the worthless money it is now printing?
This will become the most highly taxed entity that we have ever faced, since the price of everything you buy, use or sell uses energy whose price will likely more than double in the next couple of years. It will not be called a tax but disguised so that this administration will not be accused of raising taxes on those who make less than $250,000 per year.
For the truth about this whole scenario, Google “Keith O. Rattie, CEO QUESTAR,” then click on “Energy Myths and Realities.”
Read the entire speech and you will better understand where and how our energy policies should be directed. We must stop cap-and-trade to save the USA.
Fellow citizens, wake up and call U.S. Sens. Mark Warner at 441-3079 or at (202) 224-2023, and Jim Webb at 518-1674 or (202) 225-8351.
Robert T. Edwards