Virginia to host Presidential Primary on Tuesday
Published 1:27 pm Saturday, February 27, 2016
The Virginia Presidential Primary for both the Republicans and Democrats will be held on Tuesday, March 1. Voting turnout is generally lower for primaries, but since it is a dual primary this year the local registrars are uncertain what the turnout this year will look like.
“We haven’t had a big absentee turnout,” Isle of Wight Registrar Lisa Betterton said. “The last dual was eight years ago, but the turnout that day was big. We’re anticipating a decent turnout.”
Southampton County Registrar Peggy Davis said, “I really have no idea. We have no way of knowing what the turnout will be, but we have never had big turnouts for primaries.”
City of Franklin Registrar Jennifer Maynard added, “We are preparing for 100 percent turnout, but I just don’t know. We have had fair returns on the absentee ballots.”
Voters are only allowed to vote in one of the primaries, either the Republican Primary or Democrat Primary and they will take place at the regular precincts.