Windsor Planning Commission recommends comprehensive plan to council

Published 4:41 pm Thursday, May 26, 2016

At its meeting on Wednesday night, the Windsor Planning Commission made a motion to recommend the draft 2016 Comprehensive Plan to town council.

A public hearing was held on the plan, but before the hearing opened up, Dennis Carney, Windsor Planning and Zoning administrator, gave an overview of the facts.

He started by saying that over the last several years the planning commission has had work sessions on the various sections within the comprehensive plan, and various representatives from Isle of Wight County participated in them. Therefore, many of their comments appear in the plan.

“The plan designated areas for commercial, low-and-high density residential, industrial, public/institutional, agricultural and conservation uses for the town. It provides for a future study area to protect and revitalize the older sections of Windsor,” Carney continued. “The plan recommends goals, objectives and strategies on the subjects of community appearance, economic development, transportation, environment, land use and housing and community development. The Town’s future land-use map should be used as a general guide for future development patterns within the town. It should be followed by the planning commission and town council in the decisions that they make on land use and development requests and guide their decisions for the development of policies and infrastructure throughout the town.”

He also noted that the U.S. Route 460 Bypass, which was forced into the plan by Virginia Department of Transportation, has been completely removed due to lack of funding for the project.

“An iteration of it moving forward in the next several years is very dubious,” Carney said. “Because of this, the U.S. Route 460 Bypass was removed from the plan in its entirety, except for a mention that it may arise again.”

When Carney was done, the planning commission opened the public hearing, however, no one spoke in favor or against the plan.

The commissioners then all voted to recommend the draft 2016 Comprehensive Plan to the town council.