Pipeline deserves support from area

Published 9:43 am Wednesday, June 8, 2016

To the Editor:

The Atlantic Coast Pipeline has become a divisive topic in various localities and demographics across the Commonwealth.

While it brings much consternation with a cross-section of small special interest groups, the pipeline seems to elicit widespread support amongst those from the business community seeking an affordable energy source, not to mention bipartisan support among Virginia legislators.

No matter which side you’re on, the fact of the matter is that we are going to need the pipeline for our long-term future. Natural gas is overtaking coal as a top fuel for power plants, and it is abundantly available.

Our other potential energy sources either aren’t reliable or cost efficient enough to mortgage the future on.

Despite the concerns of environmentalists, pipelines have proven to be the safest and most secure way to transport natural gas. To move the gas via pipeline, the Atlantic Coast Pipeline must be built.

The construction will require digging, drilling and some inconveniences to those in the affected path, but the ultimate payoff stands to benefit all Virginians in the form of a reliable source of cost-efficient natural gas needed to power homes and businesses throughout the commonwealth.

In America, our energy reality is quickly coming to a head. Coal is being phased out, the fracking debate is festering, offshore drilling options are still being debated, and wind and solar simply aren’t reliable enough to count on.

The Hampton Roads area usually freezes in the face of major change, but this time we have the opportunity to get it right and secure our energy future by supporting the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.

If Virginia — and particularly our region — is serious about business growth, we need to step up and support a reliable energy source to service our future.

Emily Brewer