Supervisors reappoint two to litter control council
Published 11:26 am Wednesday, June 29, 2016
The Southampton County Board of Supervisors on Monday evening reappointed two members to the county’s litter control council. The terms for Sam Joyner of the Drewryville District and Donna Beale of the Jerusalem District were set to expire on July 1, but each will now serve another three-year term.
Marvin Wise of Franklin is also up for reappointment, but had not been contacted to gauge his interest in returning to the seat.
The litter control council is comprised of 19 members who serve a purpose of generating and maintaining interest in litter control and recycling, as well as promoting environmental improvements within the county. Appointed by both the board of supervisors and various town councils, the members are divided into five subcommittees consisting of communication, education, cleanup, law enforcement and recycling.