Trump promotes himself and that’s ok

Published 10:20 am Friday, July 29, 2016

by Rick Jensen

There are quite a few media commentators and reporters bemoaning the fact that the announcement of Indiana Governor and former Senator Mike Pence as Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential candidate centered on Trump.

Washington Post reporters Jenna Johnson and Robert Costa opined, “Introducing his running mate on Saturday, Donald Trump stood alone behind a lectern bearing only his name and rambled for 28 minutes about his primary victories, what he called Hillary Clinton’s crimes against the country, how pastors should be allowed to endorse candidates and how he correctly predicted the outcome of the Brexit vote.”

Maggie Haberman at the New York Times griped, “Typically, the vice-presidential candidate is given a moment to shine. But Mr. Trump spoke for more than twice as long as Mr. Pence, whose speech clocked in at roughly 12 minutes.”

Perhaps Maggie preferred Joe Biden’s 2012 Vice Presidential acceptance speech, rambling on about his dad and grandad sitting on his bed, being on “the hinge of history” and such, clocking in at “literally” nearly 40 minutes.

Joe is actually a throwback to days when politicians were expected to make long-winded monologues filled with effusive praise for people they just met.

He does it with such panache that there is a legend here in Delaware that Joe participated in a candidates’ debate at a church where he knew the congregation was going to vote for his opponent.

So, upon being asked the first question, he masterfully filibustered for the event’s entire allotted hour.

You’ll likely read more reporting in the coming months that the Trump for President campaign centers around… gasp!… candidate Trump.

It’s what candidates do.

They tell stories about themselves to convince potential voters that they can relate to them in some way, or that their life experiences qualify them for leadership.

Joe entrances audiences with stories of family difficulties and tragedies.

Hillary Clinton has even gone so far as to recreate herself as a fictional character named after Sir Edmund Hillary, who became famous for climbing Mount Everest in 1953.

Mrs. Clinton was actually 6-years-old at the time of Sir Hillary’s epic ascent. How odd that her mother wouldn’t name her until she was 6.

Hillary has often told the dramatic story of dodging sniper fire while dashing from a plane landing in Bosnia, raising her chin to the air against any and all who might dare challenge her wartime bonafides.

She stopped telling the story when a reporter who accompanied Mrs. Clinton broadcasted video of the visit during which Hillary was calmly greeted with flowers and handshakes from men, women and children on the tarmac free from any sniper fire whatsoever.

Hillary said she “misspoke.”

Understandable, right?Anyone can mistake hugs and poems for sniper fire.

So much for the fantasy designed to endear her to military families.Not too many in the military admire a poser.

Trump will continue to promote himself and his ideas.Apparently, many in the national press will continue to be appalled by this.

Should the mainstream national press choose to display some “balance” on self-promoting politicians, perhaps they could cast a digital recorder towards President Obama.

During his 12 minute speech memorializing the five Dallas police officers recently murdered, President Obama referred to himself 45 times, including referring to himself in the third person.

I couldn’t find any coverage of that fact in the New York Times or Washington Post.

At, you can watch President Obama address the people of India, referring to himself 118 times in 33 minutes.That’s 3.5 “me” references per minute.

As for fearing Trump as our international representative, remember Hillary’s humiliating “reset” button and policy that abetted Putin’s invasion of Crimea and, on May 24, 2011, an epic humiliation of the President and embarrassment to our country that will be a permanent lesson to future Presidents and ambassadors.

Arrogantly toasting Queen Elizabeth during “God Save the Queen,” Obama spoke as though the music was played to enhance his own voice.

Raising his glass to the Queen, she solemnly turned to him, cast a chastising gaze and returned her view to the flag.

Obama put down his glass; a scolded child.

International shame.

RICK JENSEN is Delaware’s award-winning conservative talk show host on WDEL, streaming live on from 1 to 4 p.m. EST. Contact Rick, or follow him on Twitter @Jensen1150WDEL.