A good man for the job

Published 9:35 am Wednesday, August 31, 2016

When city council, by virtue of a 3-3 vote, was unable to decide who should temporarily hold the position of Ward 6 council representative until a special election can be held, the members effectively gave all control of that decision over to the courts. We are not sure what sort of process they went through — no plumes of white smoke were visible from any local courthouses that we are aware of — while coming to their decision.

We do know, however, that in selecting Bill Scarboro, they did right by the City of Franklin.

Mr. Scarboro’s years of service on the city’s school board, in the local business community and in various civic capacities make him an ideal choice for city council. He is more than capable of doing the job.

We hope his council colleagues embrace his presence, and are willing to work together to forge a path forward for the benefit of all who call Franklin home.