SPSA service, anyone?
Published 7:45 am Saturday, July 4, 2009
COURTLAND—Are you someone with an expertise in law, accounting, business or engineering? Do you live or work in Southampton County? Are you flexible on Wednesday mornings? Are you interested in volunteering to help the community?
If so, then Michael Johnson would love to hear from you.
The Southampton County administrator, as well as the entire Board of Supervisors, is looking for volunteers to serve on the new Board of Directors of the Southeastern Public Service Authority.
“Anybody that might be interested should get in touch with me sometime over the next three weeks,” Johnson said. “You could have the expertise and the knowledge that would be helpful.”
The SPSA board job is not a paying one, and the meetings are in the Greenbrier area of Chesapeake on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Johnson said the meetings begin at 9:30 a.m. and usually conclude by lunchtime.
A new law requires the eight localities served by SPSA, including Southampton, to find three people willing to serve as prospective board members. Each locality must submit its nominees to the governor by August, and Southampton is hoping to do so at its July 27 meeting. The governor will then choose one of the three to represent the locality.