Spirit of cooperation?

Published 11:59 am Saturday, January 14, 2017

Gov. Terry McAuliffe spent a good portion of his State of the Commonwealth address of his four-year term on Wednesday calling for a spirit of cooperation and a commitment to bipartisanship.

And then he called on the General Assembly to repeal the law that requires voters in the commonwealth to show photo identification in order to vote. That law, he said, was passed “without any evidence that voter fraud is a problem in Virginia.”

McAuliffe and his fellow Democrats seem intent on having it both ways when it comes to election fraud. They have flooded the media in recent weeks with claims that alleged election tampering by the Russian government resulted in the loss of their candidate, Hillary Clinton, and they’re demanding that something be done to ensure such a thing never happens again, while taking every opportunity to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the results.

At the same time, McAuliffe and others like him around the nation seem to be going out of their way to ensure that real election fraud is as simple as allowing unregistered voters and non-citizens to vote. And we are to believe their motives are entirely altruistic.


Which, we fear, might also be the appropriate response to the governor’s statements about wanting bipartisanship and cooperation to be the bywords of the General Assembly this year.

There’s nothing bipartisan about removing the simple requirement that folks who vote should be able to prove they are citizens.

And there’s nothing cooperative about a governor who pushes this agenda on the heels of an election in which so much trust was lost between political parties.

Let’s take a few minutes to understand whether — and how — our electoral system might be endangered before we begin to remove the very simplest kind of oversight, the photo ID.

Meanwhile, we’ll allow the governor’s proposals to speak for themselves when it comes to examining his supposed desire for a spirit of cooperation.