Looking back: County people attend May Court

Published 9:57 am Friday, May 26, 2017

by Clyde Parker

May 25, 1917

May Court brought out a large crowd Monday, there being several criminal cases of interest besides the usual business incidental to the monthly assembly of our people at Southampton’s County Seat in Courtland. The speech by Honorable John Garland Pollard, candidate for Governor of Virginia, some activity in local politics, and a meeting of the County Democratic Committee added much to the general interest of the day.

Court Day in Courtland always brings in throngs of people of all persuasions from throughout the County for various business reasons and for the drama and sometime amusement attendant to Court proceedings. A festive atmosphere prevailed throughout the town as people came with their picnic baskets, and as various street vendors peddled their wares and as town merchants promoted and displayed their offerings. Although there was a fair number of motorcars moving every which a way, and parking haphazardly, a good number of people still came by horse-drawn buggies. 

The Hotel Southampton on Main Street was booked-up. It was a full house, for sure.

The usual staid old Courtroom at the historic Southampton County Courthouse, on Monday, presented quite a festive and patriotic appearance with the flags and bunting remaining in the building following the County School rally there last Friday. Heavy, new burlap carpeting, recently provided by the Board of Supervisors, added to the spic and span look of the County’s “temple of justice” besides obviating much of the noise formerly caused by the crowds on the bare floors.     

The grand jurors were R. Howard, Foreman; R.A. Fanny, G.O. Sledge, M.E. Barrett, W.F. Spencer, T. Philip Raiford, M.R. Bryant, Henry Gardner, and Eppa B. Prince.

Among the criminal cases disposed of, Henry Barnes received eight years and Jim King, five, for stealing a horse and buggy from Jesse McClenny near Franklin; Henry Long drew two years in the penitentiary for grand larceny from the Shaw Land and Timber Company of Ivor; and Cleveland Scott was given 30 days in jail and fined $50 for giving a woman a drink of whiskey in Franklin. 

Commencement Program for Corinth Academy

The students and faculty of Corinth Academy and patrons of the school, as well as the other members of the community, always look forward with pleasure to having the public in general as their guests at all of the exercises connected with the closing of the school year.

We feel confident that we have a popular program this year, one that will not only be entertaining but will be of a high educational order and value as well. 

G.C. Smith, a well-known minister of this section of the State who really needs no further introduction, has been secured to preach the Academy’s baccalaureate sermon. The exercises will be held at Corinth on June 3rd at 3:30 o’clock in the afternoon. We have chosen this hour in order to accommodate the people from other churches who may desire to hear their old pastor and friend.The singing will be led by Superintendent G.L.H. Johnson, and will be the good old standard hymns, which we all know. This is your meeting and we want all to take part.

Corinth Academy and Corinth Friends Meeting Church, located near Sedley, are both representative of the Quaker religion, which was established here during the early settlement of Southampton County.

On June 4th at 8:15 o’clock in the evening, the Senior Class of 1917 will entertain you for about two hours. Their plans are too much of a secret at present to even venture a guess, but we feel confident all will be entertained. There are some rumors than an “old witch” will appear on the scene, but efforts will be made to keep her from doing any special harm.

The regular farmers meeting will be held as usual. Professor Paul S. Blanford, who has had this meeting in charge for the past five years, will preside. Good speakers are assured. The hour is 10:30 o’clock Tuesday morning, June 5. May we have the usual good interest and appreciative audience as we have had in the past. 

The regular commencement exercises will begin at 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon the same day. By special request of the Senior Class and insistence of friends, Paul Scarborough, Editor of The Tidewater News and well known throughout the County, has consented to deliver the commencement address. Other prominent men of the County will be present and will speak.

We extend a welcome to all. Come with a basket lunch and enjoy the day with your friends.                 

C.E. Trueblood, Principal

CLYDE PARKER is a retired human resources manager for the former Franklin Equipment Co. and a member of the Southampton County Historical Society. His email address is magnolia101@charter.net